I started liking this track until the vocals kicked in to be honest. Perhaps an instrumental version of this is in order?
I started liking this track until the vocals kicked in to be honest. Perhaps an instrumental version of this is in order?
I'm primarily a vocalist, so I prefer to create vocal/instrumental works. I keep instrumental works aside for projects like games in the future! ^_~ Thanks for listening!
Sounds like Robotnik Retro Crisis City edition.
Omg, it does sound like Crisis City. Close to the one from Generations. I hadn't played either 06 nor generations when I made this. xD Pretty neat to point that out, makes me want to combine the two now.
Hip Hop ain't my thing. But you did great on this track. :)
Thanks dude! :)
This track has haunted me since 2008
It has this frightening, lonely feeling to it. Here is how I picture it to be:
It's like Sonic and Tails were in a battle whilst flying in the tornado. An experimental use of the chaos emeralds created a rift for them to fly right into. Tails awakening upon a deserted beach, the tornado having crashed near by and Sonic no where to be seen. A single chaos emerald half obscured in the sand as it lays beside the wrecked tornado.
Alone and stranded. Not a single living thing could be seen across the vast water and flat sand. A blue super-giant giving off an ominous, azure glow to the surrounding area whilst a near by planet was rising over the horizon and into the extraterrestrial skyline.
Tails was lost.
Nice Little story indeed ^.^ Glad you like this track.
Awesome track
I got to work making a fan made trailer for a game as soon as I heard it, using it for the intro.
Love your work.
With a title like this, I had every intention of coming into here screaming DEEEEELETE!
Then I was amazed by the quality of this track. It's a keeper.
yeah. i just wish it didn't get zero bombed. :( chances are when i am done i will just delete this and re-upload the final version.
Been a while since I heard some thing DOOM that...
...was good!
That's cool. I'm glad I could break that drought of cool Doom shit!
The additions to this track since last time is spectacular!
Thank you!
Vote 1
For next week's top list.
I'm assuming you meant to write "Vote 10" xD
Azure Prower
Age 39, Male
Joined on 9/1/09